Academic writing software. Combine text, graphs & statistical analysis

I use the following:

  1. LyX – very easy to use document processor that generates LaTeX code. Like MS Word but for academic publications and such. Creates academic layouted pdfs. Great for writing math stuff. You can connect statistical results, such as graphs and regression tables from your LyX-document. If you update your data or results, the graphs and tables are also updated in the text automatically. Statistical software (Stata, RSstudio etc.) can create regression tables in formats that LyX can handle. Example: I usually export regression tables from Stata in file format .tex, and import them as “Child document” in LyX (Stata commands: .eststo .esttab). Extremely useful.
  2. Zotero – to manage references and sources. Automatically creates a list of publications. Useful for writing in LyX, MS Word etc.
  3. LyZ – to combine LyX and Zotero, through Firefox (and here’s a plugin for Chrome). Example: Connect reference list to LyX; add reference from Zotero directly in the text in LyX; and the reference list in your LyX-document is updated automatically. Extremely useful.

There is loads of other similiar software for academic writing and such. Depending on your data and methods, there might be other programs that is better suited for your needs. Some comparisons of

  • academic writing software here
  • LaTeX editors here
  • reference manager tools here

I use Spotify and Soundcloud for music.